updated: 03/19/16
April 9, 2016 - Pancake Day
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
$5.00 adult, $3.00 children, Tickets at the door of the Grace Lutheran
Church Social Hall, Beaver and Garner St., State College
April (TBA)TBA, 2016 -
Centre County Special Olympic
location - conducted at the Indoor track on
Penn State Campus
May 2, 2016 - World Day of Prayer Dinner
May - (TBA) 2016 - Priority One Grants
Young Children Priority One grant recipients are hosted
by Kiwanis and awarded monies for their various schools
for young childeren - 3-5 years of age.
[ May 30, 2016 - No meeting -
Memorial Day Monday ]
June (TBA), 2016
Pennsylvania Special Olympics (Swimming,
Track & Field at Penn State U. Campus)
June 28, 2016 - BLUEBERRY SALE
(pick-up date)
Orders may be made by Printing and sending
in this Order Form (available as soon as made)
by using the Kiwanis
hotline: 814-238-2485
emailing WCHICHOL@prodigy.net
(please give name, phone number, email
address clearly with order)
A 10 lb box of berrys is $27.00
Order deadline is June 20
Purchase and
pick-up at Synder Ag Arena,
University Park.
Pay either with cash or check at pick-up.
Nov. (TBA), 2016
Annual Multiple Blood Analysis
AMBA blood screening program.
November (day TBA) at the Grace Lutheran Church,
Harkins Hall from 6:30- 10 AM.
-$5.00 to the Kiwanis Club, other fees paid
to Medical team
Location: 205 South Garner Street, State
College, PA,
For an appointment call 1-800-234-8888 -
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday (closed 12:30 - 1:00 PM)
Appointment number Availible about
6 weeks prior the date.
Medicare will not reimburse the cost.
October (TBA), 2016 -
DAY OF CARING (Thursday)
- ( date to be announced)
- Our club usually works and enjoys the
hospitality at the
Greenhills Village Personal Care Home.
We work on the
fall landscaping needs at the request of
the owners.
Oct. (TBA), 2016- Rose Sale
Pick up will be - day TBA
- Order from Kiwanis members. Buy roses
by the dozen for
your favorite people, $15.00 per dozen.
Nov. (TBA), 2016 - Farm/City Dinner
Farm City Dinner
Place to be announced
Cost 12.00 and
Dick Poorbaugh has tickets.
December (TBA) 2016 Holiday Party
- an Inter-club event - Dec. day TBA
Dec. - (TBA), 2015-
Holiday Basketball Tournament
- at the State College High School
- usually the 29th and 30th of Dec.